Keeping on Top of Rabbit Problems

With winter not far around the corner, this can be a great time to get on top of a rabbit problem. With summer vegetation now dying back it allows the very effective method of netting the holes of the warren, and working ferrets underground to bolt the rabbits into the purse nets. It’s a very humane way of reducing greatly the number of rabbits that may be causing problems.

Other methods which can be employed are shooting or gassing with phosphine, though I prefer to net or shoot as at least that way the rabbits can be taken to the butchers for someone to enjoy a good rabbit pie. There are break back traps as well but these need checking daily and can be a more expensive way of dealing with the problem due to the regular checks that are needed.

Back to the subject of shooting, some people may have concerns with this, but different powered rifles can be used to suit the situation the rabbits are found in. Sensitive areas such as semi urban or near live stock are not a cause for concern with silenced and low powered air rifles, which are still deadly to good ranges .

Whatever your situation is, rabbits in the garden or on horse paddocks or agricultural land we can help you get on top of things, and advise you on the best way forward.